Grandchildren Pearls

Kyle/4 - Catherine/2: You want to go swimming? No? Then you have to take a nap. It's your choice, swimming or nap. Make up your mind! Swimming? Okay then you don't have to take a nap.

Amy discusses vacation with co-worker, finds out her daughter was vacationing in same town and on same beach. Co-worker calls daughter asking if there was a woman with 2 kids on beach near her. Daughter replies "oh you mean Kyle and Catherine!" Guess they made an impression!

When a 4 yr old tells you to fill up his water squirter because he wants to squirt himself, DO NOT BELIEVE HIM! I was soaked!

My first night in my own bed after a week on vacation was spent with my grandson!! He NEEDED to see his grammy and have a sleepover. Funny didn't see him for...18 hours!!

One of the thoughts I have of my grandmother is when she used to call everyday after school with nothing really to say. That is where I got the phrase "sew buttons on your nose." I realize now that I like to hear from my grandkids even if it is just to hear them fight and scream!

I love my grandkids but next time they are sick I am not watching them! Hopefully I won't need ANOTHER course of antibiotics.

I HATE LEGOS!!! Watching Kyle today while he is supposedly sick. He asked me to fix his Toy Story Lego thingy. Well everytime I try to put a piece on more fall off. Finally the whole thing fell apart and his daddy can put it back together!

We get to celebrate Kyle's 4th birthday at the IronPigs game today, thanks to his Aunt Jean and Uncle Ketut. Hope they win one for Kyle!!

Decided to not walk in the rain with 2 kids and no raincoats! Three hours is a long time to try to keep them dry and entertained!

Good luck to Kyle, who runs his first race tomorrow - an 1/8 mile!! He is excited because he got new "kicks" for it. Also happy 4th birthday to my bestest grandson!

When does a little boy master his "aim"??? I am tired of having to replace rugs in my bathroom!

Thank GOD for washable markers. Great when a 2 yr old decides to decorate the walls!

ankle still hurts after falling down Amy's steps after trying to help HER daughter go down steps while pushing doll stroller. Does anyone know a good lawyer???

well had 1 day without seeing the lil ones, need to pick them up after school today. It's times like this that I really wish they lived CLOSER!

wow, an entire day without seeing the grandkids after seeing them Fri-Mon! love them but needed the rest today!

need to understand what I am saying yes to. Kyle called and asked me something about a sleepover. I told him he could have one this weekend. Turns out I told him he could have a sleepover at my house with his two friends, Bailey and Sammie!!! Trying to figure out how to get out of this one!

had a really nice lunch with the grandkiddies at the Rainforest Cafe. Nice place, they can make all the noise they want and nobody notices!! Of course, Kyle saw the Disney Store and had to make a stop there for more little characters. Then had movie night and watched Sleeping Beauty, first time I saw it but kinda boring!

Kyle (3 1/2) is going to Target and checking out what he wants for next Christmas!!

recuperating from past few days spent with grandkiddies. Had very nice family dinner on Christmas! Was supposed to be watching Catherine (1 yr old) and thought she was with her mother, when I checked on her she was in the playroom covered in green food coloring! We all pulled together and got her and the playroom... rug pretty much greenless and the dishes done and the house put back together. Gotta love em!!

think the mess was all worth it! Kyle took his snickerdoodles to preschool today, handed them to his teacher and she said they will eat them at snack time! Hard concept getting a 3 1/2 year old to ROLL the dough balls in sugar instead of wanting to SQUISH them!

who woulda known that you can make pretty descent cookies by just throwing handfuls of dough on the cookie sheet. Kyle got tired of scooping the dough out with a spoon!

think whatever EXPERTS say it is good to bake Christmas cookies with a 3 1/2 yr old is NUTS!!! And I have the mess and gray hair to prove it!

3 1/2 yr old Kyle's words of wisdom: Mommy I want a big boy bed. Mom: You have a big boy bed. Kyle: I want a Transformer bed not a baby Thomas one. Mom: I'll tell Santa. Kyle: No they sell them at Target.

My 3 yr old grandson didn't want to go to preschool today and said his foot hurt and he wanted to go to grammy's. His mother told him that grammy had to go to work today. He says "nah, grammy is too lazy to go to work"

ready for bed after having to play nurse to a sick daughter and grandson (who says he was too sick for preschool but seemed fine once he got to grammy's house).

My grandson, who adores me, got so angry with me last night that he told the Elf on the Shelf, who reports directly to Santa, that I was bad and was not to get ANY presents!!

 wondering why little girls play dress-up clothes cost more than real clothes???

thankful for memories my grandkids leave me with. Such as, 3 yr old Kyle telling me "I tell you to leave door open - 1 time, do you hear me? When I say leave door open, I mean leave door open!"

thankful for the opportunity to spend the night with my two wonderful grandchildren, even if it meant less sleep for me!! How can such active creatures need so little sleep?

started to work on Halloween costumes to find that my former farm show queen daughter only bought fabric and patterns. No thread or anything else needed to sew costumes. So now I need to run out tomorrow to get that stuff. Funny how I am not allowed time to get my cough check even though I had to run with my daughte...r to 2 dr appts yesterday! When does it get easy???

think days of just putting Catherine in the pack n play and she taking a nap are over. Kyle ate crackers in there and the dog chewed a hole in the mesh. I just put Catherine down for a nap and walked down the hall later and heard a little "hi". Turns out she crawled out the hole, opened the door and was standing in the hall!

tired! Babysat Mon, picked up from daycare Tues, dad's funeral Wed and babysat today. Tomorrow NO ONE better need me. Too bad I have things I need to get done tomorrow cuz I need a Carol day badly!

3 year old grandson just called to wish "Happy Grandparents"

enjoying today! No husband (finally working), no grandkids (in daycare), no appointments - just me and the dogs (and they are sleeping). This is more relaxing than my vacation!!

My 3 year old grandson introduced me to his day care teacher as his "really big grammy"! We asked what he meant and he stretched his arms way out and said "big like this"!! Guess it is time to go on a diet!

Today was a great day, car cleaned out, carseats washed - that is until Thursday when the grandkids will be in it again!!